Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One Reason

During the American civil war, a challenge was posed by an agnostic officer of his Christian fellow. That challenge was this:

"Give me one reason to believe in the God of the Bible."

The reply given was simple, but truly struck the heart of the matter. That reply was:

"The Jews."

That reply is even more profound today, in light of what has been done by the Lord amongst the Jews since 1865. That reply is what has sparked this article, which is written to illuminate for the reader (be they Jew or Gentile) just what a testimony the lives and history - and future - of the Jews gives to the Truth of God's Word.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Hardening of our Hearts - Divorce Rates in the World.

Quick link to Divorce Rates in different Nations.

Loss of Love - Divorce in America

A couple of articles posted dealing with the loss of the traditional family in America, specifically.

America to see another major earthquake in the East?

The recent Earthquake in the American midwest might be a harbinger of another major earthquake (8.0) east of the Rockies. See the link.

Rare Earthquake in the American Midwest - A Sign?

Another rare earthquake this year...

There Will be Earthquakes in Diverse Places

See the link to the article on Science Daily, regarding the recent Earthquake in China.

The Prophecy of the Temple - Can it really be rebuilt?

The above link takes you to a compilaton of articles dealing specifically with the Temple Mount, and illustrates that God is indeed not done with his people here.